In collaboration with Ex.C.E.L. Learning Corporation, The 2023 Nowhere to Now Here conference is now open for submission for proposals and/or workshops. We are looking for exciting and engaging presenters who can motivate and captivate our attendees by providing them with opportunities to connect, learn, and grow. Please use the form below to submit your …
Tag: phxabse
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Nov 06
Mentoring Connections
Join us for our connect and grow event on November 20th at 10:00 am. We will discuss more our mentoring program, “Mentoring Connections” Use the form below to register for the event. The Phoenix Alliance of Black School Educators is excited to launch our Mentoring Connections Program. We aligned it with Priority 2, “Organize Leadership …
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Oct 19
Building on the Foundation
We are continuing to Build on the Foundation set before us. Last year on October 24th, 2020,we celebrated our inaugural event. It’s time to celebrate our first anniversary. As the 1st local affiliate of the National Alliance of Black School Educators in the State of Arizona, we are excited to invite you to our anniversary. …
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Feb 20
Black History Month Edition: February Connect and Grow
February 20th, we held our 3rd connect and grow event of the year. We know you’re eager to continue to connect with other members and people around the Phoenix metropolitan area after our first Connect and Grow event in December and the one from last month, you can’t wait to connect and grow with us …
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Jan 16
Building on History: January Connect & Grow event
January 16th, 2021, we held our 2nd connect and grow event of the year. We know you’re eager to continue to connect with other members and people around the Phoenix metropolitan area after an amazing Inaugural Event, and our first Connect and Grow event from December that you can’t wait to connect and grow with …
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Oct 24
Inaugural Event
If you weren’t at the Inaugural event, you definitely missed out! On October 24th, 2020, the Phoenix Alliance of Black School Educators held the Inaugural Event live via Zoom. This was an amazing opportunity to reach out and connect with educational leaders and professionals around the Greater Phoenix Area united for the improvement of all …
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